
“Computers are universal machines, their potential extends uniformly over a boundless expanse of tasks. Human potentials, on the other hand, are strong in areas long important for survival, but weak in things far removed. Imagine a “landscape of human competence,” having lowlands with labels like “arithmetic” and “rote memorization,” foothills like “theorem proving” and “chess playing,” and high mountain peaks labeled “locomotion,” “hand-eye coordination” and “social interaction.” Advancing computer performance is like water slowly flooding the landscape. A half century ago it began to drown the lowlands, driving out human calculators and record clerks, but leaving most of us dry. Now the flood has reached the foothills, and our outposts there are contemplating retreat. We feel safe on our peaks, but, at the present rate, those too will be submerged within another half century. I propose that we build Arks as that day nears, and adopt a seafaring life!”

— Hans Moravec, “Mind Children”

Elevating Human Thinking in the Age of AI


In the age of artificial intelligence, Hans Moravec’s landscape of human competence analogy offers a compelling visualization of the challenges and opportunities we face. As AI continues to advance, it is rapidly “flooding” areas that were once the domain of humans, necessitating our adaptation and evolution to stay relevant. As we navigate the ever-changing landscape, we must identify new peaks of human competence and develop strategies to elevate our thinking in response to AI advancements.

Personal Experience: Integrating LLM into Workflows

Picture a bustling city, with each individual a specialist in their field, expertly performing their tasks like cogs in a well-oiled machine. As AI systems like LLM (Large Language Models) become integrated into our workflows, the city starts to transform. The cogs in the machine are replaced with sophisticated AI components, and suddenly the once essential skills are no longer in high demand.

In response to this upheaval, we must evolve, turning our attention to the city’s architecture and the grand design that encompasses the entire urban landscape. This shift requires us to embrace more abstract thinking, as the minutiae of our daily tasks are now handled by AI. Like city planners, we must zoom out, strategizing and coordinating the various AI components in a way that enhances the overall efficiency and productivity of the city.

This new role is akin to that of a gardener tending to a diverse ecosystem of plants. We must nurture and prune the various AI systems to ensure they grow and develop in a manner that complements and enhances the entire garden. As we focus on higher-level tasks and strategies, we create the conditions for new and previously untapped forms of human competence to emerge.

The metamorphosis from specialist to architect and gardener unlocks a newfound appreciation for the interconnectedness of our work. As we move away from the repetitive and routine aspects of our jobs, we find ourselves with the opportunity to delve into uncharted territories, exploring new heights of human potential that will not only allow us to excel in the AI era but will also create a natural progression into the realm of human ingenuity, empathy, and complex problem-solving.

The New Peaks of Human Competence

As we traverse the transformed landscape, we encounter uncharted territories, each representing a new peak of human competence. These peaks, towering high above the AI-flooded lowlands, are the domains where humans can excel in the era of artificial intelligence.

The first peak, adorned with the vibrant colors of creativity and innovation, represents our innate ability to generate groundbreaking ideas and novel solutions. Like a kaleidoscope, humans possess the unique capacity to combine and recombine existing elements into entirely new patterns, forging paths that AI systems have yet to explore.

The second peak, illuminated by the warm glow of emotional intelligence and empathy, symbolizes our ability to understand, connect with, and support others on a deeply human level. This peak represents the fertile soil from which meaningful relationships and strong communities can grow, a terrain where AI still struggles to gain footing.

The third peak, characterized by the intricate web of complex problem solving and critical thinking, showcases the human talent for connecting the dots and navigating through ambiguous situations. Like master weavers, we can skillfully intertwine diverse strands of information, creating a tapestry of understanding that goes beyond the reach of AI’s current capabilities.

To reach the summits of these peaks, we must adopt strategies that nurture and develop our unique human skills:

  1. Lifelong learning and continuous education: Just as a mountaineer trains for challenging expeditions, we must commit to constant learning and skill development, keeping ourselves sharp and adaptable in the face of change.
  2. Interdisciplinary approaches: By exploring the intersections between various fields, we can foster a holistic understanding that allows us to uncover novel insights and solutions, much like a cartographer mapping uncharted territories.
  3. Collaboration and networking: Building bridges between individuals and disciplines enables the exchange of ideas and expertise, creating a network of support and inspiration that spans the globe, like a robust system of interconnected mountain trails.

As we ascend these peaks and hone our unique human skills, we find ourselves at the forefront of a new frontier: orchestrating the AI systems that now populate the landscape below. This journey leads us to explore the intricate world of AI orchestration, where our expertise will be essential in guiding and managing these complex systems.

Orchestrating AI: The Kubernetes of Artificial Intelligence

As conductors of the AI symphony, we step into the realm of orchestration, much like the Kubernetes of artificial intelligence, where our role is to optimize workflows and harmonize the interplay between AI systems.

Picture a complex network of rivers and tributaries, flowing seamlessly and efficiently. In this vast network, AI orchestration serves as the water management system, channeling resources and information to where they are needed most. By guiding and managing AI systems, we can increase efficiency and optimize resource allocation, helping our AI-driven ecosystem thrive.

However, this role comes with its own set of challenges. Like an experienced sailor navigating treacherous waters, we must ensure the ethical and responsible use of AI, steering clear of potential pitfalls and hazards that could harm individuals or society at large.

Moreover, the ever-changing technological landscape requires us to be adaptable and resilient, much like the trees that bend and sway in the face of a storm. Our ability to adjust to new developments and harness them for the greater good will be crucial in maintaining our position as orchestrators of AI.

As we embrace this new role and prepare for the challenges ahead, we begin to construct the metaphorical arks that will carry us into the uncharted waters of a seafaring life in an AI-driven world. Our journey now leads us to explore how we can adapt and thrive in this new era, fostering resilience and collaboration among individuals, organizations, and policymakers alike.

Building the Arks: Preparing for a Seafaring Life

In the midst of an AI-driven world, we must build our metaphorical arks, equipping ourselves and our communities with the tools and mindset necessary to navigate these uncharted waters.

Embracing change is akin to a skilled sailor adjusting their sails to the shifting winds. As we adapt to the AI-driven world, we must remain flexible and open to new ways of thinking, forging ahead even when the seas are rough and the horizon uncertain.

Fostering a growth mindset and resilience is crucial in this voyage. Much like a hardy sailor weathering a storm, we must cultivate the ability to bounce back from setbacks and learn from our experiences. By viewing challenges as opportunities for growth and embracing the lessons they bring, we strengthen our resolve and prepare ourselves for the waves that lie ahead.

Policymakers, educators, and organizations play a vital role in facilitating this transition. They are like the lighthouses and ports that provide guidance, support, and resources for sailors on their journey. These entities must work together to create an environment that encourages lifelong learning, interdisciplinary approaches, and ethical AI usage, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to thrive in the AI-driven world.

As we collectively build our arks and set sail into the future, we embark on a shared adventure to navigate the seas of change, discovering new horizons and embracing the limitless potential of a world where humans and AI coexist in harmony.


As we reach the end of our voyage through the AI-driven landscape, we come to realize the importance of elevating human thinking in response to the rising tide of artificial intelligence. Like master navigators charting a course through uncharted waters, we must refine our skills and embrace new peaks of human competence to stay afloat in this ever-changing environment.

Our journey highlights the potential for a mutually beneficial partnership between humans and AI, one where the unique strengths of both parties are harnessed to create a harmonious and flourishing world. Like a skilled crew aboard a sailing vessel, humans and AI can work in tandem, with each contributing their own expertise and abilities to navigate the complex seas of our shared future.

In this ongoing adventure, we continue to explore the AI-flooded landscape together, forging new paths and discovering untapped potential. As we collectively build our arks and set sail, we are reminded that the true power of human ingenuity lies not in our ability to conquer and dominate, but in our capacity to adapt, evolve, and collaborate with the very systems we have created.

With an open mind and a resilient spirit, we embark on this journey towards a world where humans and AI coexist in harmony, confident that the uncharted waters we face are merely the beginning of a grand adventure filled with limitless possibilities and endless opportunities for growth.

Note: Work in this space is already being done by multiple initiatives such as Microsoft’s JARVIS. Will create another post in the future where we can explore those in depth.